

问:帮忙好心人翻译个论文摘要 感激不尽!
  1. 答:abstract:It’s mmon to employ celebrities as spokespersons for mercial advertisement.But when the spokesperson abuse his/her social influence,a serial of problems appear,thus not only disturbing the social economic and legal order in our county,but also making the public reconsider the social morality and responsibility celebrities should take when they are as spokespersons for advertisement
    key words:celebrities as spokespersons for advertisements,Advertising Endorsers,social morality ,effect,the investigation on social responsibility celebrities should take when they are as spokespersons for advertisement
  2. 答:In the promotion of goods, the use of celebrities to endorse munity is that many business practices. However, its influence endorsers abuse, a series of problems. This not only disrupted the country's socio-economic and legal order, also led to a public celebrity advertising in a social morality and responsibility to re-examine
  1. 答:Abstract:
    The paper describes the urgency and importance of Energy-Saving & Emission Reduction in mode transforming of economic development.It mainly discusses the following 5 aspects:background, polocy significance,reasons of current situation,parative Analysis and policy spirit.Finally it points out the specific research dirction and Empirical Analysis of Energy-Saving & Emission Reduction work in the mode transforming of economic development.
  1. 答:多下几个翻译软件,对比下,语句通顺没有语病就行了!有道翻译和在线翻译结合,我就是这么做的!
