

  1. 答:Summary: Non- brilliant alloy of Fe base is a kind of of good performance soft ic material employing the prospect to be extensive, (initial ism person who lead), Bs (saturation ic induction intensity) and He (rectify stupid strength),etc., c of μ, its ics performance exceed or close to best brilliant attitude soft ism greatly, FINEMET ess of alloy give we non- brilliant alloy one of good performance employing extensive soft ic materialing through iron base, a kind of FINEMET alloy that people develop, his position is Fe73.5 Cu1Nb3 Si13.5 B9, can get the extremely fine a little brilliant soft ic material after through the rational heat treatment.
    铁基非晶合金:Non- brilliant alloy of iron base
    软磁材料:Soft ic material
    磁性能:ic Yes
    热处理:Heat treatment
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  3. 答:Summary: Non- brilliant alloy of Fe base is a kind of of good performance soft ic material employing the prospect to be extensive, (initial ism person who lead), Bs (saturation ic induction intensity) and He (rectify stupid strength),etc., c of μ, its ics performance exceed or close to best brilliant attitude soft ism greatly, FINEMET ess of alloy give we non- brilliant alloy one of good performance employing extensive soft ic materialing through iron base, a kind of FINEMET alloy that people develop, his position is Fe73.5 Cu1Nb3 Si13.5 B9, can get the extremely fine a little brilliant soft ic material after through the rational heat treatment.
  4. 答:翻译东西,不满意来找我。
  5. 答:还是要我们这些高手翻译,网上自动翻译的不好,很多读不通。
  6. 答:Summary: Non- brilliant alloy of Fe base is a kind of of good performance soft ic material employing the prospect to be extensive, (initial ism person who lead), Bs (saturation ic induction intensity) and He (rectify stupid strength),etc., c of μ, its ics performance exceed or close to best brilliant attitude soft ism greatly, FINEMET ess of alloy give we non- brilliant alloy one of good performance employing extensive soft ic materialing through iron base, a kind of FINEMET alloy that people develop, his position is Fe73.5 Cu1Nb3 Si13.5 B9, can get the extremely fine a little brilliant soft ic material after through the rational heat treatment.
    铁基非晶合金:Non- brilliant alloy of iron base
    软磁材料:Soft ic material
    磁性能:ic Yes
    热处理:Heat treatment
  7. 答:不错的在线翻译软件,试下。
  8. 答:Summary: Non- brilliant alloy of Fe base is a kind of of good performance soft ic material employing the prospect to be extensive, (initial ism person who lead), Bs (saturation ic induction intensity) and He (rectify stupid strength),etc., c of μ, its ics performance exceed or close to best brilliant attitude soft ism greatly, FINEMET ess of alloy give we non- brilliant alloy one of good performance employing extensive soft ic materialing through iron base, a kind of FINEMET alloy that people develop, his position is Fe73.5 Cu1Nb3 Si13.5 B9, can get the extremely fine a little brilliant soft ic material after through the rational heat treatment.
  9. 答:Abstract: the Fe amorphous alloy is a kind of soft ic material with excellent performance, wide application, the C ( initial permeability ), Bs ( saturation ization ( He ) and coercivity ) amorphous soft ic materials, ic properties are much higher than or close to the best, FINEMET alloy ess to the Fe-based amorphous alloy is a kind of excellent soft ic material performance, wide application, a FINEMET alloy people development, its ponents for Fe73.5 Cu1Nb3 Si13.5 B9, in the heat treatment after reasonable can obtain very good crystallite soft ic material. Keywords: Fe-based amorphous alloy; soft ic materials; ic properties; heat treatment; stability
  1. 答:非晶态合金是一种新型软磁材料,在晶态材料中原子在空间作周期性的有序排列,形成所谓晶体点阵结构,而在非晶态材料中原子在空间的排列无序,不存在宏观的磁各向异性。非晶态材料具有优异的磁性和韧性,具有高的电阻率和机电耦合系数,具有耐腐蚀、耐磨、高强度、高硬度的良好的材料特性。
  1. 答:非晶带材的低损耗是最大亮点说白了就是节能。缺点:维修比较麻烦非晶带材拆装损伤较大进口的稍好一些国产的破碎非常严重,并且目前容量上也有局限性主要是加工工艺受限。
  2. 答:非晶合金:由于超急冷凝固,合金凝固时原子来不及有序排列结晶,得到的固态合金是长程无序结构没有晶态合金的晶粒、晶界存在,称之为非晶合金,被称为是冶金材料学的一项革命。这种非晶合金具有许多独特的性能,如优异的磁性、耐蚀性、耐磨性、高的强度、硬度和韧性,高的电阻率和机电耦合性能等。
